Adopt-A-Family For Christmas:

Providing Gifts & Financial Assistance to Families in Need

Adopt-A-Family for Christmas Success Stories:

  • Adopt-A-Family-For-Christmas ‘22:

    • HDHM in partnership with Jericho & CLC…Supported 3 Families including 5 Children

  • Adopt-A-Family-For-Christmas ‘23:

    • HDHM in partnership with Jericho & CLC…Supported 5 Families including 12 Children

  • Adopt-A-Family-For-Christmas ‘24:

    • HDHM in partnership with The Sisters of Life and The CLC…Supported 3 Families including 16 Children

AFC ‘22 Heartwarming Thank You

How Adopt-A-Family for Christmas Works:

  • Families are identified through local food pantries, churches, medical clinics, word of mouth, etc.

  • Parent(s) / Guardians / Children provide their Santa wish list

  • HDHM delivers gifts secretly to parents either Christmas Eve or share gifts in an after Christmas celebration

  • HDHM provides parents with financial assistance as possible

AFC ‘24 Recap