Providing Gifts & Financial Assistance to Families in Need
Some Recent Examples Include:
Adopt-A-Family-For-Christmas ‘22:
HDHM in partnership with Jericho and The CLC
Supported 3 Families including 5 Children
Adopt-A-Family-For-Christmas ‘23:
HDHM in partnership with The CLC
Supported 5 Families including 12 Children
Adopt-A-Family-For-Christmas ‘24:
HDHM in partnership with The Sisters of Life and The CLC
Supported 3 Families including 16 Children
AFC ‘22 Heartfelt & Heartwarming Thanks
How It Works:
Families are identified through local food pantries, churches, medical clinics, word of mouth, etc.
Parent(s) / Guardians / Children provide their Santa wish list
HDHM delivers gifts secretly to parents either Christmas Eve or share gifts in an after Christmas celebration
HDHM provides parents with financial assistance as possible
Other Recent Examples:
Adopt-A-Family For Chrismas ‘22
Adopt-A-Family-For-Christmas ‘24
Adopt-A-Family-For-Christmas ‘23
Adopt-Family-For-Christmas ‘23 Finale